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Introduction of Dr. M Helal

Writer, Journalist,
Researcher, Social-Reformer

Dr. M Helal is a forthright & bold journalist and social-organizer, who possesses exceptional thoughts & outlook, unique talents & visions about life, humanity, truth, natural & social justice as well as national & international prosperity. He is carrying out multi-dimensional noble jobs and is involved in activities. He has set a rare example of serving the country & society by generating proactive & positive attitude among students & youths. He motivates them to participate in various social & self development activities including Free Computer Training, Proactive & Positive Attitude Program, Free English Course, Apprenticeship Program, Free Joint Meditation, Free Yoga, Social Awareness Program and so on. He is dedicated to transform pessimism into optimism at all spheres of society. Thus M. Helal is relentlessly working as an inspiring activist to ignite young minds and build superior human beings.

Dr. M Helal has many far reaching ideas & plans regarding the nation & the country. His visionary welfare oriented thoughts are portrayed in various models and programs developed by him-

a) To accomplish his objective of ensuring a modern & easily accessible education, M Helal has developed a Model titled ‘Areawise Schooling’. National problems like road traffic, wastage of money-time-energy, faults in basic education, drop-out & social discrimination will be solved automatically, if this model is materialized.

b) A scientific & long-term plan for a revolutionary development of Bangladesh has been depicted in his model ‘Permanent solution to all national problems: Union based Development Model’. This model has brilliantly analyzed an epoch-making plan to build a highly developed Bangladesh by establishing Union towns.

c) He has introduced ‘Campus Education Award’ with the aim of modernizing current decaying education system by creating healthy competition in education sector for quality improvement. He believes that initiatives to inspire & reward ideal educationists & educational institutions will motivate others to come forward to practice quality education.

d) ‘Honesty Award & Honesty Motivating Program’ is an initiative of M Helal which is designed to encourage practicing honesty & justice in family, society & national life by giving recognition to the honest persons. As the honest persons will be praised & rewarded, others will also be encouraged to follow them and the dishonest & immoral persons will be cornered in the society. Thus the honest persons in the society will lead a dignified life, while the corrupts will be ashamed and denounced.

e) He dreams for establishing a Digital Society comprising transparency, accountability & good governance. For quick materialization of that dream by the students & youth community he has initiated ‘Digital Young-Star Award’.

M Helal is a regular columnist writing on various aspects of individual, social, national & international development. His outstanding presentation on travels in different countries touched readers’ mind. Various interesting comparative matters of Bangladesh and other countries have been depicted vividly and articulately in his regular column “In search of a New World: Studying Bangladesh & foreign countries”. In that column, he has pointed out lapses and shortcomings of Bangladeshi people candidly without belittling the country or people. He did not want to conceal our social scars, rather revealed those with the hope that proper steps would be undertaken to improve the shortcomings and eliminating the scars. He is also writing on various issues related to self-development, improving creativity & proactive attitude. To enable students and youths to become better human beings having positive & proactive attitude he regularly organizes youth-meetings & workshops.

Dr. M Helal is the Chief Editor as well as the Founder & Publisher of the first ever Bangladeshi newspaper on education & youth development, The University Campus, which is being regularly published since 1984. M Helal is the founder Secretary General of Campus Social Development Centre (CSDC), a multi-dimensional welfare organization registered with the Ministry of Social Welfare. He is also the founder Editor & Publisher of a news magazine on coastal area resources & development, The Lakshmipur Barta, which is being published regularly since 1986 with the aim of national development through regional development. He is also actively associated with various social organizations and programs. In his student life at the University of Dhaka, he was associated with 18 organizations. Currently, he is the life member of Bangla Academy, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka University Alumni Association, Dhaka University Registered Graduates’ Association, Nazrul Academy, Salimullah Hall Alumni Association, Accounting Alumni etc. and Advisor of Bangladesh Students Welfare Association.

Dr. M Helal was born in Lakshmipur district of Bangladesh. He was brought up in the soil and shadow of a tranquil rural environment. Since his childhood, Helal closely observed the wail of hungry people; lamenting inhabitants oppressed by landlords & usurers; misery of bewildered people caused by natural and man-made disasters & famine; spirit & lethargy of communist politics to face that misery.

As a child, Helal was different from other kids. He was exceptionally hard working and optimistic about life & success since his boyhood. With his intelligence, diligence and creative measures he used to reap harvest from barren land. He set a rare example of reaping fruits from dying fruit trees after nursing those for months in his own creative way. Those trees are still yielding fruits and generously serving the neighbors, which is an instance of success of an optimistic boy, like Helal. Besides being a regular & attentive school-boy, he used to join curiously with the cultivators, working in his family cropland. Even he had no hesitation to vend self-produced fruits & vegetables in local markets. Thus since boyhood, Helal has gathered firm mental strength and experiences to go forward by overcoming different hurdles of life.

Dr. M Helal has always dreamt of changing the unjust society. But unfavorable reality impeded his dreams again & again. He wished for the reformation of the society even in the midst of various hindrance and limitations. After successfully completing his higher secondary level education in Lakshmipur, he got admitted in the University of Dhaka, the most prestigious national university of Bangladesh. He completed his B. Com. (honors) and M. Com. from the Department of Accounting and L.L.B Graduation from Dhaka University. He was an elected leader by the general students of Dhaka University and consequently, he took responsibilities to perform various organizational & welfare activities for the students. He was the General Secretary of the Dhaka University Central Leo Club. During his university life, he was the Sr. Sergeant in Bangladesh National Cadet Core and he passed the Junior Military Science and Senior Military Science Examinations.

Dr. M Helal was the Literary & Cultural Secretary of Salimullah Hall (S M Hall) Students Union of Dhaka University. Twice he edited & published the Annual Magazine of S M Hall. At this stage, he took a unique initiative and started editing & publishing The University Campus. Simultaneously he initiated various programs & movements against copying in examinations, drug abuse, smoking, hartals, corruption & dishonesty, bribery, visa system and other unwanted social & political practices. He has launched movement against fragmentation of cultivable lands. The vision of M Helal is to work relentlessly to build a nation enriched with enlightened & cultured citizens. With this vision, he has been working for youth development as he believes that patriotic, positive-minded & skilled youths are the main driving forces for national development. Without honest & able leadership at the national level the advancement of the country is a far cry. Therefore Dr. Helal has been working relentlessly for establishing a knowledge-based & just society by engaging himself in various socio-cultural & motivational activities.

Besides being involved in student & youth leadership while studying in Dhaka University, M. Helal always thought of welfare of people. Guided by such thought, he has been organizing students & youths to work for society since his student life. Many a time, he has engaged himself in serving wretched people affected by natural disasters. During his student life he used to distribute rice & relief materials among destitute door to door with the light of hurricane at the dead of night by boat. Poverty alleviation and developing livelihood of people always remained at the core in his thoughts. Such thoughts provoked M Helal to choose the tough job of enlighting nation and building country, as his motto of life is disregarding plenty of other lucrative opportunities for his livelihood & fortune as a student of Accounting. The centre of all his activities and vow of his life is spearheaded to serve the people outright and to serve the humanity better.

To materialize his dream of establishing a transparent & accountable society & enlightened nation, Dr. M Helal has established CSDC. He encountered many obstacles in his way of life, but he did not give up nor became disappointed. His progress continues with the assistance and love of patriotic and benevolent personalities of the society. In that unrelenting progression in educational and social activities, The University Campus and CSDC have become strong platforms of building and nourishing the future agents of the knowledge-based & just society. Besides publication of the non-partisan newspaper, activities of Campus has been expanded to various innovative & dimensions.

Social & humanitarian roles of Campus have been extended remarkably. Campus provides Free Computer Training for all, specially under-privileged & meritorious students & youths. It has also been conducting Free Meditation, Free Yoga & Free Acupressure programs and regular seminar on Proactive attitude to motivate people to become superior human beings. Besides these, Campus has initiated Free English Course which has opened an window of opportunity for the Bangladeshi students & youths to keep pace with the outside world. Other exceptional and notable initiatives of Campus include Apprenticeship Program for Students (with the objectives- Earn while you learn; building leadership, discipline & skill), Honesty Award & Honesty Motivating Program, Campus Health Service, Students’ Counseling Service etc. Various social awareness programs of Campus have already been successful in sensitizing people on different humanitarian, socio-cultural & health issues.

Dr. Helal has visited many countries of the world including UK, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Srilanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar & India. Several times he has visited all 64 districts of Bangladesh and thus closely studied nature, people & rural life. Mr. Helal holds Accreditation Card of Bangladesh Government since 1990 for long experience and glorious activities in the field of information and journalism. He has been accorded with various awards.

Dr. M Helal is a creative, patriotic and hard working person with high optimism towards life & people. He has dedicated his life for materializing his dreams for a just & enlightened Bangladesh. He is working relentlessly to culture democracy & justice, bloom talents of the youths and inflicting patriotism & human values in them; He is also mobilizing them to be vocal against all social evils. His ultimate aim is to establish a just & welfare oriented society by ensuring transparency, accountability & good governance.

None is poor naturally, none is born as poor;
It is the society, which makes one poor.
If you help others, your own problems will be solved naturally.
Journey in a dishonest way leads to the revenge of the Nature.
Education generates knowledge.
Knowledge makes one enlightened, Enlightened person himself is a law. And such law is a blessing for mankind. The more such law is created; more peace will prevail in the world.
Stop inequality, Stop corruption Save humanity, Save nation.
We should fight for a balanced & peaceful world by abolishing all sorts of inequality and social injustice.
Say ‘Yes’ to virtues and ‘No’ to vices.
Many good words have been spoken; many good deeds are yet to be done.
Come forward to remove all darkness with the light of knowledge.
Stop violence in campus
Stop copying in examination, Save education, Save Nation.
We should not run after momentary pleasure.
Take no bribe, give no bribe.
Help others to connect your soul with the power of Nature i.e. with the Creator.
Less words, more works.
Less words, more works.
The Bangladesh where 7.5 million people sleep with hunger, the world where 1,000 million people are starving -how could that country or the world be considered modern or civilized?
As none decides his birthplace, he is not a citizen of a particular country; rather a citizen of the world. He deserves the right to move anywhere of the globe. Present visa system is a black rule and it is an obstacle to the above fundamental rights. All conflicts & unrest will come to an end if modern civilized world is established under 1 passport, 1 currency, 1 language as like as the European Union.
One important characteristic of mankind is some people (10%) create multiple problems in the society; most people (80%) suffer from those problems, but do not think to solve or protest; some people (9.9%) think about the problems, but do not take initiative for solution; only 0.1% people come forward and take initiative to solve those problems. Dear reader, please think over, which one of the above characteristics you nourish as a human being. I firmly believe, such of your momentary igniting thought will bring pragmatic result and you will be able to make immense contribution for the welfare of humanity.
I firmly believe that there is no problem without solution either in the world or in personal life. The main problem is– failing to reach at the root of the problem or insincerity to solve the problem or absence of sacrificing self-interest or lack of knowledge & technique to solve the problem.
The knowledge, which does not show the light of truth & justice; the money which is not spent for the welfare of mankind; the power which is not used for the protection of human rights that knowledge, wealth & power carry no value.
At present the crying need of Bangladesh is Cyber war for a Digital Bangladesh and war of social reform for a just society.
Help others. And with the pleasure of such helping attitude, energize yourself. Thus keep your soul connected with the power of Almighty.
One can’t be wise & enlightened without knowledge. And knowledge can’t be acquired without education